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Draconis Reigns Down on Heroes of Newerth

Awoken from his Slumber, Draconis flies down to Newerth. Draconis is an agile fire breathing dragon ignites everything around him, even setting the ground ablaze.

Draconis Skills:
Dragon Flame (First Skill = ‘Q’)

  • Spits a gaud of fire at enemies, damaging and knocking them back. This is his only direct damaging ability and it has a wide frontal cone. Enemies are also slowed after the knockback which helps set up kills with other abilities.
Blazing Flight (Second Skill = ‘W’)

  • This spell greatly increases movement speed for a short while granting unit walking. Additionally a trail of fire is left in its wake which damages all enemy units that step into the flames.
Fiery Barrage (Passive Skill)

  • Draconis’ passive ability is similar to puppet master’s whiplash ability. Each attack removes one of five charges. At zero charges the next attack ignites the ground at the targets feet doing damage overtime and lightly slowing enemies within the flame. Using another spell instantly sets the charges to zero

Cataclysmic Assault(Ultimate Skill = ‘R’)
  • It greatly increases his attack speed for a short duration when used and has a quick cooldown. Also causes Draconis’ attacks to split, striking nearby heroes for a portion of the main attack’s damage

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