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FREE Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Facebook Offer is a scam/virus?

This morning, I received an invitation to join a very tempting offer titled, “et FREE Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 – Limited Offer” with instructions that go:
As a Promotional offer , Samsung has decided to give away 10,000 Galaxy Tabs FREE to our users online.
How does this work? Follow these steps : (SCROLL DOWN / SEE MORE *)
Step 1 : Click on “Join” at the top of the page.
Step 2 : Click ” Invite Friends” at the top of the page and select your friends and click SUBMIT. Gift voucher you receive depends upon amount of friends you invite.
Invite 50Friends = Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus
Invite 100Friends = Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7
Invite 200Friends = Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
Invite 500Friends = Samsung Galaxy Note + Tab 10.1
Step 3 : Comment – ” Great :D Thanks Samsung ! ” below .
[NOTE : To select friends faster, press TAB and SPACE repeatedly.]
Step 4 : Finally GO HERE ->* http://samsung.com-birthday.us/*
IMPORTANT : Please perform all the steps carefully, every step is important

For a regular, non-suspecting Facebook user, this may look like a legitimate offer but if you dissect this event further, there are obvious signs that this offer could be scam.
  1. There was no indication that the event was posted by Samsung and their official Facebook account at least.
  2. The offer is too-good-to-be-true. Samsung has decided to give away 10,000 Galaxy Tabs FREE to our users online, come on! And this is how scam offers deceive people.
  3. Similar with other scam offers, users are asked to sign up.  By driving more people to the scammers’ link where an online survey pops up, the ne’er-do-wells earn more commission.
  4. Although the website where the link redirects to seems legitimate using the Samsung logo and trademark notices, the link given does not seem to be legitimate.   The official website of Samsung mobile is http://samsung.com.
  5. As per observation, legitimate contests from these mobile companies usually are linked their official website or official Facebook fan page and usually by means of quizzes.
True enough, when I tried to click on the link, I was alerted with a possible threat by my antivirus software.   The very risky virus is called HTML/ScrInject.B.Gen.  According to King Soft the HTML/ScrInject.B is a hazardous Trojan that is added to web pages that encompass an HTML script which is hidden or iframes are automatically set to download the malware infection. HTML/ScrInject.B can lead to privacy and security risks to Computer users and their machines. HTML/ScrInject.B is primarily installed by way of security exploits with out a Computer user’s interaction. HTML/ScrInject.B can disable security applications and drop a lot more malware threats. It is suggested to uninstall HTML/ScrInject.B ahead of it destroys your Computer technique.
As of posting, there were about 230,000 users invited, of it nearly 7,000 unsuspecting users signed up and believed.  So before signing up on offers, make sure to assess the legitimacy of it.

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