The Room Assignments for May 2012 Civil Engineer Board Exam in Manila is now available, as posted by Professional Regulation Commission online.
The Civil Engineering Licensure Examination will be administered in Manuel L Quezon University in Quiapo, College of the Holy Spirit and La Consolacion College in Mendiola, and in other regions around the country on May 6 and 7, 2012.
If you are taking the CE Board Exam in Manila, check your room assignments below:
May 2012 Civil Engineer Board Exam Room Assignments – Manila
CE052012ra ManilaFurther instructions from PRC:
1. Examinees should report before 6:30 in the morning every examination day. LATE EXAMINEES WILL NOT BE ADMITTED.
2. Bring the following: Notice of Admission (NOA), Official Receipt, pencils no. 1 or 2, black ball pens, metered-stamped window mailing envelope, long brown and long plastic envelopes.
4. Wear the prescribed dress code.
5. Use same name in all examination forms. If there is any error in spelling, school, application number or date of birth, please report it to application division before the exam or request room watchers to correct it on the day of examination.
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