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A CloudCrowd step by step guide on how to earn :)

What is CloudCrowd?
CloudCrowd is where work gets done. We bring together companies that need work done and people who want to work and get paid. When a company gives us a project, we break it down into a smaller set of tasks that you complete using our Facebook application.

1. Log In to your FACEBOOK 


3. You will be directed to this page
1. Turn On Secure Browsing
2. Earn Money Now. 

After clicking "Earn Money Now"
You must "Sign Up"
 Input All the needed Details
and click "Submit"

If you don't have a PAYPAL account
If you are already registered, let's start our first step to earn $$$
1. Login to your Facebook and click CloudCrowd
2. We need to earn "Credentials" first to access those easy jobs
3. Click Available Work, and click Credentials

4. Click Writing, and take the English Comprehension Credential Test.

5. You must pass the test in order for you to earn $$$ immediately, if not better luck next time T_T but the credential test is very easy for you to pass :)

6. After the test, you can see the result by clicking the Home

7. You must see this in your message panel

Congrats! One step ahead to earn at CloudCrowd :)

Let's move on and earn some $$$:

1. Click Available Work and click Projects

2. Click Categorization and click Select Company Services

Take Note: Please read carefully the instructions in each project you will do, your initial credibility is 30 and if you submit a project that is wrong/rejected, your credibility will drop and your account will be suspended (20 below credibility) and cannot use CloudCrowd permanently.

3. If you want to determine whether your projects submitted are approved, click Home and at the lower part you can see the Work History.

4. If your projects are rejected, you may click the certain projects to know why your submitted projects are rejected and another window will appear. In the lower part of the new window, click the Review 1

1. If your account is suspended, you may create a new paypal account and use another facebook account to earn again at CloudCrowd by signing up here-> http://bit.ly/LFk59B

 2. In any project, just click skip if you are not sure in your answer/selected services.

That's It. Earn at CloudCrowd Now!

* Register and earn $$$ -> http://bit.ly/LFk59B 

* My Earnings as of this moment at CloudCrowd - http://bit.ly/Lx8EP0 

- and add a note that you're asking a question regarding CloudCrowd for me to entertain you.
For more info: http://www.cloudcrowd.com/support/worker-faq
CloudCrowd PH  Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/239316006170568

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