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Facebook Verification is a SCAM!

There’s this new “Warning!!! Facebook Verification Scam” that’s spreading like wildfire on Facebook since late May.

It says:

“WARNING : Announcement From FACEB00K Verification Team. All Profiles Must Be Verified Before 10th June 2012 To Avoid Scams and Scams Under SOPA ACT.The Unverfied Accounts Will Be Terminated. Verfiy Your Accounts By Below Steps.”


Once clicked, the link will bring you to an app which turns out to be a survey scam.

According to Facecrooks.com, the application can post on Facebook as you, which allows the scammer to spam your friends with their status updates and tag your friends in the Wall Post.

To avoid or get rid of the “Warning!!! Facebook Verification Scam,” follow these tips.

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