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PRC issues Application Requirements for July 2012 NLE

Nursing graduates who wish to take the July 2012 Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE), take note of these Application Requirements issued by Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) recently. 

The July 2012 NLE Application Requirements to be submitted by prospective examinees are in compliance with CHED Memorandums No. 14 s 2009 and No. 30 s of 2001 regarding policies and standards on nursing education.

July 2012 Nursing Board Exam will be administered on June 30-July 1, 2012 around the country. Here’s the application requirements contained in the PRC order:

I. For Nursing Graduates under CHED Memo Order No. 14 series of 2009
1.Certificate of Live Birth issued by NSO on security paper
2. Transcript of Records (TOR) with scanned picture, and the entry “For Board Examination Purpose” at the end of TOR. In addition:
a. Graduates of private higher education institutions (HEIs) shall submit the TOR with the Special Order issued by CHED inscribed on the said TOR; or
b. Graduates of state universities and colleges (SUCs) shall submit the TOR with appropriate Board of Trustees/Directors Resolution Number and Year of Promulgation; or
c. Graduates of local/city/municipality/provincial universities (LUCs) shall submit the TOR with the appropriate Local/City/Municipality/Provincial Ordinance Number and Year of Promulgation.
3. Certificate of Undertaking signed by the Dean and Registrar, duly notarized. The certification shall specifically state that the College of Nursing Dean, under pain of legal sanction, vouches for the completion of all competency requirements of its graduates and therefore allowed to graduate.

II. For Nursing Graduates under CHED Memo Order No. 30 series of 2001
1.Certificate of Live Birth issued by NSO on security paper
2. Transcript of Records (TOR) with scanned picture, and the entry “For Board Examination Purpose” at the end of TOR.
3. Original copy of the Summary of Related Learning Experience; and
4. Original copy of the OR-DR in the new format.
Please share this July 2012 NLE Application Requirements to all nursing graduates.

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